Bradford Council plan to axe the dedicated school bus services to Bingley Grammar School from September 2025. Concerns have been raised about the safety of children who would in some cases face long walks to the school from outlying villages such as Wilsden, Cullingworth and Harden down narrow country roads.
Bingley Rural Councillors have spoken out on behalf of families likely to be affected. Councillor Paul Sullivan said: ‘We will resist this city-centric policy attacking the safety of our children by cuts to Bingley Rural school buses.’
Councillor Geoff Winnard added : “Bradford Council’s plans to end the school bus services to Bingley Grammar School will cause real hardship and inconvenience to many families living in some of the rural villages outside of Bingley. There are no safe walking routes and no alternative public transport is available. Without a school bus service many parents will have the choice of letting their children walk unaccompanied for a few miles along narrow rural roads or using their cars and making worse the existing traffic issues around Bingley Grammar School.”
Bradford Council’s consultation ends on December 19, visit https://www.bradford.gov.uk/consultations/current-consultations/consult…